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      Jing Junhai , deputy secretary of the Jilin Provincial Party Committee and governor of the province visited our company

      Source: Time:2018-05-02

    • On 2nd May 2018, Jing Junhai, deputy secretary of the Jilin Provincial Party Committee and governor of the province visited our company accompanying by Peng Yonglin, director of general office of the people’s government of Jilin Province, and Yu Huadong, director of Department of Science and Technology of Jilin Province, and Bai Xugui, director of Industry and Information Technology Department of Jilin Province, and Liu Rihao, deputy director of the development and Reform Commission of Jilin Province, Wang Zhihou, Secretary of Tonghua municipal Party committee, Liu Huawen , deputy secretary of Tonghua municipal Party committee and the mayor, Ji Kaiping, chairman of the Tonghua Municipal Committee of CPPCC, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of the medical high-tech Zone and director of the CMC, etc. Chairman of the company Li changhong, general manager Jiang Ming attended and made a report.


      Governor Mr. Jing visited the company''''s production workshop and had an in-depth exchange with Chairman Li to learn more about the company''''s production and operation, technology innovation, product development, and standard setting, etc. and made important instructions. The enterprises was asked to strengthen propaganda, to further explore and practice new systems, new mechanisms and new models, to build an innovation chain around the industrial chain, to support the industry chain by rely on innovation chains in order to achieve deep integration and mutual promotion between the two chains, and to cultivate new growth points.

    • Back:Jiang Haiyan, the Deputy Mayor of Tonghua city and the group visited our company
    • Next:Liu Huawen , the Mayor of Tonghua city and his group visited our company
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