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      National Standard

      Source: Time:2018-09-13

    • Chopped Basalt Fiber for Cement, Cement Mortar and Concrete      GB/T 23265-2009

      Basalt fiber roving                                                                    GB/T 25045-2010 

      Technical code for infrastructure application of FRP composites      GB/T 50608-2010

      Fiber reinforced composite bars for civil engineering                      GB/T 26743-2011

      Basalt fiber composites for strengthening and restoring structures  GB/T 26745-2011

      Fiber reinforced polymer composite grids for civil engineering       GB/T 36262-2018

      Chopped Basalt Fiber for asphalt concrete                                                    In edit

      Anchorage, grip and coupler for prestressing tendons                  GB/T 14370-2015

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